Marketing Automation as a Service is Now Available

Audienceware is pleased to announce that Marketing Automation as a Service is now generally available to all clients, as part of our Marketing Services portfolio.  If you're new to Marketing Automation, we've prepared an FAQ to help you determine if Marketing Automation is right for you.

What is Marketing Automation?

According to Mautic, “Marketing Automation is a platform for saving time, eliminating errors, and improving efficiency for a wide range of marketing tasks across multiple channels”.

In other words, it’s a way to increase audience engagement with relevant and timely communications using fewer resources.

What’s the difference between Marketing Automation and CRM systems?

Marketing Automation systems are designed to convert visitors to new contacts, and existing contacts into highly engaged customers, while CRM has a broader range of functions to serve throughout the customer lifecycle.  

How does it work?

Marketing Automation allows you to dynamically send  relevant content or calls to action (such as sign up forms) to push your contacts further along the customer journey.

Contacts may then be organised into segments, either  manually or automatically according to rules, for example after clicking a particular link or visiting a particular page for a period of time.

Different messages can be triggered and sent to contacts via various channels, as organised within an automation workflow based on user  actions.

How can Marketing Automation help me?

Marketing Automation can help you to engage your visitors with more timely and relevant communications, without being a drain on resources:

  • Execute complex campaigns more easily

  • Take action according to contact activity

  • Split campaigns by segment

  • Send follow up messages to non responders

Ultimately, improving marketing effectiveness leads to better results: 

  • Turn visitors into contacts

  • Turn contacts into customers

  • Turn customers into repeat customers

What is Mautic?

Mautic is a full featured open source Marketing Automation system, offering extensibility and integration through plugins and its API.  Integrations include Drupal, Wordpress, CiviCRM, Social Media and more.

It is available in both a self hosted free Community edition, and also as a cloud hosted Enterprise commercial edition.  In 2019, Mautic was acquired by Acquia, forming part of its Marketing Cloud stack, and ensuring ongoing support and development.

Audienceware has adopted Mautic as a core automation system, and our services include Mautic hosting, support and development within Marketing Services.

What is the cost?

The cost of Mautic should be more than covered by the gains in revenue relative to the savings in marketing resources.  While hosting is a fixed cost, all other costs can be managed progressively as justified by the achievement of measurable results.

How do I get involved?

Contact us to find out more, and book a free 30 minute consultation.