Audienceware Sponsors Civicon Canberra

Audienceware is proud to be a sponsor of CiviCon Canberra, Australia’s first ever CiviCon, a conference for all things CiviCRM, the world’s leading open source CRM system.

On the 23rd October 2017, Canberra’s National Library hosts the first CiviCon in Australia, which is an opportunity for the developer, service provider and user communities to come together to connect, share experiences and ideas for how to make the most from their CiviCRM engagement.

Audienceware has been providing CiviCRM solutions for over eight years, and relishes the opportunity to support the project’s ongoing development through sponsorship and shared experience, particularly where CiviCRM meets digital marketing and data science.


Applying methodologies road tested in commercial systems, our experience of working with CiviCRM has been that with the right customisation, data intelligence and planning, CiviCRM as a platform knows no bounds in the ability to achievie cutting edge levels of personalisation and automation.


Although originally designed for the NFP sector, we find that any organisation with an audience, B2B, B2C or NFP, knows that engagement through relevance is where competition is played out.  Good analytics, data and communication planning are essential inputs, but for the ability to execute, we’re yet to see an audience too big or campaign too complex for CiviCRM to handle.


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