Audienceware aims to work in close cooperation with you the client to ensure you are getting the most out of your CRM. Once we have an understsanding of your business processes, where ever possible we will focus on time saving solutions that can be put in place. This means you can focus on your core business and free up time for more creative pursuits necessary to keep your oranisatioin thriving and robust.
A recent example of this work follows...
Local Governments in Australia have a specific requirement when it comes to paying for goods or services.
Any purchases, such as in this case a membership renewal payment, require the generation of a Purchase Order (PO) number which suppliers then must reference and include on invoices.
The workflow previously for a particular client, Play Australia, required that a PDF invoice be generated for a member who did the self service renewal, with a copy going to the member and to Play Australia staff.
Play Australia staff then had to update the invoice to add in the PO number - given the invoice document was a PDF, Adobe software was used to manually insert the PO number onto the invoice, resave it and send again to the government contact.
This double handling was a time consuming exercise, and Audienceware were asked to provide a solution to streamline and fully automate this process.
The solution was to create a custom field for the Contribution Entity, named 'Purchase Order Number', which could be populated by admin staff on the contribution record and the invoice template modified to print the PO number on the invoice if populated. The invoice could then be emailed or printed from within CiviCRM to send to the member with out having to edit the PDF. The template modification was to edit the System Workflow Message named 'Contribution Invoice Receipt', inserting a token for the new field into the appropriate position for printing.
To streamline the workflow further and capture the PO number at the initial data entry stage, the custom field was then made available directly in the Contribution Renewal page for membership, by adding the field to the 'profile'. The member could simply insert the PO number themselves, select the pay later option, and the membership renewal invoice would reach the member with the PO number already included, removing the requirement for manual intervention by admin staff.
Feedback from the client is that this has been a great time saver for a relatively small intervention, especially as the requirement for PO numnber from government members is on the increase.
Audienceware would like to help understand your business requirements and leverage our years of experience with CiviCRM to take full advantage of this highly customisable software. While CiviCRM has many great functions and features out of the box, it can appear 'deceptively simple', and the full power of the customisability and extensibility rises to the challenge time and time again to meet the unique needs of each business.
We hope this small example inspires you to think about ways you could streamline your business workflows if you already work with CiviCRM, or if you are considering using this CRM for your business needs.